How do I cancel my plan?

You can cancel upcoming plan renewals at anytime


Last Update 1 ปีที่แล้ว

We are sorry to see you need to cancel, but rest assured cancelling is easy as we'll explain how below. 

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Cancelling can be performed at any time by the original account administrator. To cancel, go to the account management page through the Image+ Dashboard ("Login" at and then navigate to "Account" in the Image+ Dashboard's left-hand navigational menu. Once on the Account page, you will see a "Change Plan" button that will take you to your Stripe-powered account management page.

Once on the Stripe-powered account management page, you will see your current plan and payment method and an option to "Cancel Plan". "Cancel Plan" will take you through to the actions to cancel your current plan.

Note: Cancelling is only possible when carried out by the original administrator who purchased, based on their login email address.

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