How does Image+ compare to other image optimization plugins?

Akamai, Smush, Imagify, EWWW, ShortPixel, Optimole


Last Update för ett år sedan

Image+ does many things to improve the delivery of your images, compared to regular images:

  • Local Delivery:  Detect viewer location, and deliver images from nearby servers for optimal page loading speed
  • Screen Size:  Detect the screen size and pixel density of each viewer's device, and deliver images of optimal width and height
  • Image Formats:  Detect device and browser support for new image formats (e.g. WEBP, AVIF), and deliver the best format for each viewer
  • Image Compression:  Compress images by removing unnecessary data, such as metadata or unused color profiles. This can significantly reduce the file size and delivery time of your images without affecting their visual quality.
  • Mobile "Save Data":  Detect mobile devices in 'low data' mode, and reduce image data for those devices
  • Lazy Loading:  Load images only as they scroll into view, reducing page loading times and saving delivery costs. (This feature is now included with WordPress without any plugins needed.)

Image+ works alongside other plugins that optimize the filesize, format, and delivery of images, including Akamai Image Manager, Smush, Imagify, EWWW, ShortPixel, WP-Optimize,, Optimus, Imsanity, Kraken, WP Compress and Optimole.

Compared to those other plugins, Image+ uniquely optimizes image results, by generating more clicks, leads, and sales.

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