How do I Optimize my images with A/B Split Testing?

Optimise images by testing alternatives and comparing results


Last Update hace un año

One of the powerful features of Image+ is the ability to compare and split test the performance of alternative images. You could test multiple alternative images and compare the resulting clicks, leads and sales. For example, you might want to compare your original image – the “Baseline” image – with a new version that includes some Pan & Zoom and Caption effects or even from Image+ Suggestions generated by AI.


Assumptions: (i) You have installed and activated Image+; (ii) You have navigated to the Image+ Library and added an image to Image+; (iii) you have navigated to the editor of your target Image+.

User Note: If you don't see the Image+ "+ Split Test" Settings or image variants, ensure you have selected the "Block" panel in the right-hand column. 

1. Baseline

The “Baseline” version of your image is automatically created by Image+. This is your original image, without any benefits added. It will be shown to approx. 20% of viewers – at no cost – to measure baseline engagement, compared to your other images. Accounts with a paid plan can adjust this setting between 0% and 100%.

You can set the Baseline higher if you are experimenting with new images and want to compare the results from a small sample of your audience before you roll out the new images to your wider audience. Set the Baseline lower when you are confident your Image+ content is performing well. This will mean that only your images with benefits will be shown to viewers, which will maximize their impact on engagement, however you will not get any baseline comparison metrics.

2. Adding Variants For Split-Testing

When adding a Split-Test image variant, you can duplicate the existing image (to then apply unique enhancements) or add a new image either from the Library itself or from within the image Edit screen, click on Split-Test and you can specify another image for adding to the Split-Test. Once added, the newly added image can be further Enhanced using the typical Enhance features. Just be sure you have selected the correct image before making or editing Enhancements. 

To duplicate the image for further enhancing, mouse over any Image+ or non-baseline Image to reveal the top-right Actions menu (denoted by the 'burger' icon in the top-right, shown when hovering a non-baseline image). Possible actions include: Duplicate or Deactivate. Selecting 'Duplicate' will duplicate your Image+ which is useful for creating and testing small variants of a specific image in a Split Test. 

Over time, suggestions will also be continually made by Image+ which will be displayed in the Library and in the Image+ Editor Block. Suggestions can be reviewed 

3. Deactivating Split Test Imagery

When editing an image, you can also mouse over any Image+ or non-baseline Image to reveal the top-right Actions menu (denoted by the 'burger' icon in the top-right, shown when hovering a non-baseline image). Possible actions include: Duplicate or Deactivate. Selecting 'Deactive' will deactive the selected Image+ which will remove that variation from the Split Test rotation. 

4. Split Test Reporting & Performance Results

You can manage your Imagery and see performance results in the Image+ Library. In this example from the image below, “Lab Coat Number 2” performs best, driving 77% of clicks from only 49% of views. The original image is underperforming, with no clicks from 20% of views. 5-star ratings indicate which images are over-performing compared to the others.

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